
SDLC: Production support

Ah, the forgotten phase of every project. Production Support never gets the respect that it deserves. It too goes though phases:
  1. Disbelief: "But it worked during UAT!"
  2. Denial: "It must be an implementation problem...not our fault"
  3. Dodging: "Prod support can deal with it". And now the Prod support team takes a look at it...
  4. Anger: "Those idiots on the project team couldn't have tested this"
  5. Confusion: "What the hell is this anyway?"
  6. Dismay: "Oh crap....there's no way that we can fix this"
  7. Bargaining: "Wait a minute...isn't it still under Warranty?"
  8. Glee: "It's screwed up, and it's not *our* fault!" Now it is sent back to the Project team....
  9. Disgust: "Those idiots in Prod support couldn't find their butts with both hands"
  10. ...there is no end to this list

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