
ISPF rants

Here is a list of a few of the things that bug me about working with ISPF on the mainframe:
  1. People who haven't used a new ISPF feature since 3.4 came out.  Come on guys, it's been 20 years!
  2. People who don't use Edit HILITE command.  Yes, green is a lovely colour, but it is surprising how much more productive you are when your source code is intelligently colour coded.  You'll never forget an END-IF again.
  3. People who are still using 24x80 to do everything.  No wonder people think that the mainframe sucks!
  4. Vendor panels that don't support large screen sizes.
  5. People who use Extra!'s default colour scheme.  Yecchh!!
  6. Companies that force you to use inferior emulators because that's the one they've always used.  There are many excellent and inexpensive emulators out there.  Vista 3270 for example.
  7. People who don't know about the Edit COMPARE command and still do their code retrofits manually.
  8. Systems programmers who fail to activate SITECMDS and USERCMDS.
  9. Systems programmers who fail to include new products on the local panels.  I hate having to remember startup commands.
  10. Panels with the command line at the bottom.
  11. Dialog Tag Language.  A solution in search of a problem.
  12. Local ISPF panels that point to obsolete products and functions.  
  13. Non-modifiable KEYLISTs.  The "P" in PFK stands for "Programmable", dammit, so let me program my function keys!!
  14. Missing HELP panels.  ISPF has a lot of very nice features to help the dialog developer create context-sensitive help dialogs.  Why aren't they used more often?
  15. Panels that are all in CAPITALS.  Why do so many panels SHOUT at me?
  16. People who don't know how to use the HELP key.
  17. Dialog programmers who don't know how to use the MODEL command.

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